Holistic Approach to Mental Wellness

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Consciously Aware

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"Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it..."

- Dr. Erin

Welcome to our sanctuary of specialized services, where we tailor our expertise to address your unique needs and challenges. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate care and support across a spectrum of specialties, ensuring that you receive the focused attention and guidance necessary for your journey toward healing and growth. From trauma-informed specialists and anxiety management to depression support and self-esteem cultivation, our specialized services are designed to meet you where you are and accompany you every step of the way. We understand that each individual's path is unique, which is why we offer a diverse range of therapeutic modalities and approaches, all grounded in evidence-based practices and delivered with unwavering commitment to your well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from past traumas, navigating complex emotions, or striving to enhance your self-awareness and resilience, our specialized services are here to provide the guidance and support you need to thrive. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey—explore our specialties and discover the possibilities that await you.


Is anxiety dominating every facet of your daily existence, casting a shadow over even the simplest of tasks? Despite your sincere efforts, does it persist beyond your control, leaving you feeling powerless and overwhelmed? Have traditional talk therapy methods failed to provide the relief you desperately seek?

While occasional feelings of anxiety are a common part of the human experience, when it begins to hijack your life and morph into a debilitating issue, seeking assistance becomes imperative. We understand the profound impact that uncontrolled anxiety can have on your well-being. That's why we provide a research-based therapy program specifically tailored to address anxiety disorders, aimed at alleviating symptoms and empowering you to reclaim a sense of balance and vitality in your daily life.



Have you recently faced a distressing event or find yourself still grappling with the reverberations of past traumas? Do certain triggers provoke a strong urge to withdraw, prompting a desire to flee, conceal, or even completely disengage from life during times of heightened stress?

Do you bear the burden of persistent fear and anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by a sense of losing control over your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors? Our specialized therapy program is meticulously crafted to offer tailored support to women confronting the challenges of PTSD, providing a compassionate and understanding environment for healing and growth.



Are you caught in the grips of overwhelming emotions, experiencing a profound sense of hopelessness, isolation, and a disconnection from the person you once knew yourself to be? Do these persistent thoughts permeate your mind, clouding your every moment?

You may find yourself grappling with feelings of worthlessness and an overwhelming sense of incapacity to effect any meaningful change. Guilt may shadow even your most basic needs, like eating, sleeping, and seeking solitude, as uncontrollable tears drive you further from the comfort of others.

In the depths of your anguish, it may feel as though nobody truly comprehends the depths of your suffering. Despite the gut-wrenching pain that consumes you, the understanding you crave seems elusive, adding to the weight of your despair.

You may look in the mirror and find a stranger staring back at you, a person you can scarcely recognize and, at times, despise. Your life and surroundings may feel perpetually shrouded in darkness, leaving you feeling utterly powerless to bring about any semblance of light or change.


Low Self-Esteem

Are you grappling with the heavy burden of anxiety or depression, finding it challenging to navigate through the complexities of daily life? Do you frequently experience an overwhelming sense of discomfort and self-consciousness in social situations, constantly measuring yourself against others and feeling like you fall short?

At the core of our emotional well-being lies our self-esteem—the way we perceive and value ourselves. Individuals with robust self-esteem radiate confidence, possess a deep sense of inner stability, and inherently believe they are deserving of love and respect. On the contrary, those wrestling with low self-esteem often find themselves ensnared in a cycle of shame and self-doubt, plagued by persistent self-criticism and a pervasive feeling of being undeserving of affection or recognition.

  • Recognizing Low Self-Esteem – Individuals grappling with low self-esteem typically exhibit one of the following three patterns:
  • Self-Criticism: Constantly berating oneself, focusing on perceived flaws, and engaging in negative self-talk that undermines self-worth and confidence.
  • Comparing Against Others: Continuously measuring one's own worth against the achievements and appearances of others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.
  • Seeking Approval: Relying heavily on external validation and approval from others to validate one's self-worth, rather than cultivating intrinsic confidence and self-acceptance.

If you find yourself resonating with these struggles, it may be an indication that your self-esteem is in need of nurturing and support. Understanding the dynamics of self-esteem is crucial in embarking on a journey toward self-discovery, acceptance, and ultimately, a more fulfilling and empowered life.


Kundalini Koaching

Kundalini is an energy that exists in everyone’s body, usually in a dormant state. This means that most people never feel it and never know it is there. For those who have an awakening event and become conscious, the energy spirals upward, activating each chakra, and leads to an expanded state of consciousness.

As humanity evolves, more and more humans are experiencing the awakening of this energy. Historically, this energy awakened through intense spiritual practices and in select settings.

Today, it’s spontaneously awakening not only by spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, but through unpredictable triggers. While many are experiencing spontaneous kundalini awakenings, the understanding is still catching up.

It’s my passion to share wisdom, stages and processes of this highly transformative




When you see someone in distress do you feel emotional? Do you feel as if

you’re experiencing their pain? If your answer is yes, you could be an empath, or at least partly an empath.

People experience empathy to varying degrees. In fact, some people may be incredibly empathetic in some ways but have trouble being empathetic in other instances. Other people might fall under the concept of “dark empathy” because they can identify what you feel and use it to their advantage.

This is because there are three different types of empathy and just because

you’re highly empathetic in one category, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re

empathetic in the other two categories. In a few cases, people can also have low or no empathy.

The three empathetic categories include:

  • Cognitive empathy: the ability to identify how someone else is feeling
  • Emotional empathy: being able to feel someone else’s emotions
  • Compassionate empathy: actively wanting to help someone in need

A full empath has developed skills in all three categories. But just because

you score low in all three categories doesn’t mean that you can’t develop skills to be more empathetic in the future.

If you’d like to increase your empathy, you can speak with a mental health

professional. They can provide tools and strategies to help you cultivate


Read More... Are You an Empath?

Stress and physical disease

Stress is a pervasive factor in modern life, impacting both mental and physical well-being. When the body is under stress, it triggers a complex physiological response involving the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While these hormones are essential for survival in short bursts, chronic stress can lead to dysregulation in the body's stress response system.

Over time, this chronic activation of stress pathways can contribute to the development or exacerbation of various physical diseases.

Research suggests that prolonged exposure to stress can increase the risk of developing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune disorders. The mechanisms underlying this relationship between stress and physical disease are multifaceted, involving changes in immune function, inflammation, blood pressure, and metabolic processes. Additionally, stress can exacerbate existing health conditions by compromising the body's ability to regulate physiological functions effectively.

Furthermore, stress can influence health behaviors and lifestyle factors, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, and substance abuse, which further contribute to the development of physical diseases. Addressing stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, physical activity, and social support, can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of stress on physical health. By recognizing the intricate interplay between stress and physical disease, individuals can adopt proactive strategies to promote holistic well-being and reduce the burden of stress-related illnesses.


Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening, as facilitated by a life balance practitioner, encompasses a profound journey of self-discovery, inner growth, and connection to a higher consciousness or purpose. Through various practices and techniques, such as meditation, mindfulness, energy work, and introspective exercises, individuals are guided to explore the depths of their inner being and tap into their spiritual essence. This awakening process often involves shedding layers of conditioned beliefs, emotional baggage, and societal expectations, allowing individuals to uncover their authentic selves and align with their true purpose in life.

As individuals undergo a spiritual awakening under the guidance of a life balance practitioner, they experience a profound transformation across various dimensions of their being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. One of the key benefits of spiritual awakening is the cultivation of inner peace, clarity, and emotional resilience. By gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their interconnectedness with the universe, individuals learn to navigate life's challenges with grace, acceptance, and equanimity. This newfound sense of inner peace enables them to release stress, anxiety, and fear, leading to greater emotional balance and well-being.

Moreover, spiritual awakening fosters a heightened sense of connection – to oneself, to others, and to the world at large. Individuals experience a profound shift in consciousness, transcending ego-driven desires and embracing compassion, empathy, and unconditional love. This enhanced sense of connection cultivates richer and more meaningful relationships, fosters a greater sense of community and belonging, and deepens individuals' appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of all life. Ultimately, spiritual awakening, guided by a life balance practitioner, empowers individuals to live authentically, aligned with their deepest values and aspirations, and to experience a profound sense of fulfillment, purpose, and overall well-being.


Embarking on personal transformational journey is a powerful initial stride toward a revitalized, more confident, and stable version of yourself. Though each step might bring moments of challenge, uncertainty, and apprehension, you won't be alone—there will be someone by your side, attentively listening and providing the encouragement you need to reach that finish line.

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